Bankruptcy Law

Bankruptcy can be very personal…and complex.

Think you may be heading down the road to bankruptcy?

There are almost as many reasons to file for bankruptcy as there are new bankruptcy cases.  Clients come to us when they have experienced any of the following:

  • A loss of job
  • A change in family circumstances
  • An illness or accident
  • A financial recession
  • An aggressive IRS collection attempt due to back taxes

As financial stress alone can be detrimental to your health and relationships, we recommend you seek our legal advice before depleting all of your assets, tapping out precious resources, and hitting bottom.

Everyone filing for bankruptcy needs a great attorney.

Bankruptcy law allows debtors to keep certain amounts of assets for a clean start—but the rules are complex.  Filing Chapter 7 will stop garnishes, levies, and seizures and will provide you with a discharge from most debts.  It also results in an “automatic stay” which halts all collection activities from mortgage and finance companies, creditors and tax collectors, including lawsuits, garnishes, levies, and contacting the debtors. Our attorneys will answer any and all questions you have and will explain what exemptions you may be entitled to and the requirements for Chapter 7 bankruptcy relief.

The Hood Law Difference

Our team of skilled, compassionate bankruptcy law attorneys is ready to help you with the best advice and will guide you through the bankruptcy process from start to finish.  To begin your bankruptcy case, your attorney will listen and discuss your financial circumstances, explaining the required personal and financial information you’ll need to gather in order to move the process forward.  The details of your income are a critical part of the required schedules to be filed with the bankruptcy court.  At Hood Law, your attorney will personally prepare your bankruptcy schedules—not a legal assistant.

How we work for you

Bankruptcy cases at Hood Law are handled with the utmost care and confidentiality.  Transparency in both our legal process and in the details of our client’s unique situation is paramount and something we do not take for granted.

Send us a message through the form below or reach out to any member of our legal team to see how we can help you.

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