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Be Cautious When Investing Your IRA Assets in Real Estate
It may be surprising to many people, but an IRA can legally own real estate and a lot of other alternative investments too. Cautions need to be taken.
Reporting Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts – What You Need to Know
If you have financial authority or even just signature authority over a foreign bank or financial account, this post may be of interest.
L3Cs – A Happy Medium Between Non-profit and For-profit?
In our continuing effort to keep you up to date on the latest in business law, read about the low-profit limited liability company, or L3C.
Series LLCs – The Cutting Edge of Business Entity Law
Business entity law is constantly evolving, with the next great innovation seemingly always on the horizon.
Durable Powers of Attorney – Basics You Should Know
Nearly every estate plan will include two versions of the same indispensable document – the durable power of attorney, or DPA.
The Estate Tax Portability and Form 706
The Estate Tax Portability feature is now permanent. Should you file Form 706 even if it is not required?
Estate Planning for Digital Assets
Estate planning for digital assets has become a popular topic of late for the estate planning community. It’s more important than ever to protect yourself online.
Income Tax Advantages/Disadvantages to Revocable Trust (Con’t)
In my previous entry, I indicated that there are, as a general rule, no income tax disadvantages to holding property in a revocable trust.
Income Tax Advantages/Disadvantages to Revocable Trust Revisited
In an earlier entry, I indicated that a revocable trust does not have any income tax advantages. But does it have any income tax disadvantages?
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