When your teenage child goes off to college, they’re taking a major step towards personal and financial independence. Nevertheless, most parents of college graduates can attest that their children didn’t learn “how to adult” overnight. While your child may still look to you for help in managing their affairs, however, the law nevertheless treats them as a fully independent adult in most matters, entitled to full privacy rights. As such, a parent whose child suffers a medical emergency may find themselves unable to get information about their child’s condition or make decisions on their behalf if they are incapacitated.

Parents and their college-bound children may therefore be well served by some advanced planning, particularly executing documents such as medical or financial powers of attorney, HIPAA waivers, and FERPA waivers. In the interest of giving a little piece of mind during the next big step in your child’s life, we at the Hood Law Group are happy to offer a substantial discount for executing these documents on behalf of your college-bound student.

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