Business and Tax Law
International Tax Planning
Tax controversy
Missouri State Bar
American Bar Association
ABA Section on Taxation
Alan was a Special Trial Attorney for Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service, Office of the Chief Counsel. In that position, he represented the Commissioner of Internal Revenue before the United States Tax Court.
As lead counsel, he tried over seventy cases in the Tax Court. Many cases involved TEFRA partnerships, individuals, closely-held corporations, tax shelters, commodity trading, and financial instruments transactions.
Alan was also lead counsel for many cases in the United States Tax Court involving publicly-held corporations. Those cases involved consolidated corporate returns, employee benefit plans, investment tax credit, insurance law, and cooperatives. In addition, he was lead counsel for international tax cases involving transfer pricing and cost-sharing issues.
Alan has over seventy Tax Court opinions as lead counsel. With this background, Alan adds a wealth of experience to the Hood Law Group team.
If you are looking for assistance with tax matters, you can send us a message in the form below or email Alan directly at alan@hoodlawgroupkc.com.
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